About Us

In the Beginning....
The concept that would eventually become Plaid was first discussed on a porch at Illinois Institute of Technology after an all-day session with students. The idea percolated until December 4, 2011 when, our founder, Wilson Wong asked a few people to join him for a discussion at his house just North of Atlanta. On that day we discussed whether we could successfully start a company that creates stimulating and thought-provoking learning experiences aimed at changing an organization’s culture. In the simplest way, Plaid was born out of the desire to help people and their organizations be better. For more than 10 years, Plaid has done exactly that. While our products and services have evolved over the years, we have remained true to our vision to help people and organizations be better.
Doug Opicka and Chris Woods
Managing Partners
Our Values
Core values guide an organization to achieve great things.
For Plaid, our pursuit of being better is led by our core values.
Being. Better.
Being. Plaid.
Learn more about how Plaid can help support you and your organization